Professional Networking Walks.
At the Nicest Parks in the Inner-City.
Fits Around Work and School.
Pay as Your Feel.
Part 1: Games to “Break the Ice”
Catch, share and throw
Stand in a circle.
Throw a ball from person to person and when they catch it they have to share one thing about themselves.
Then they throw it to the next person.
People stand in a circle and go around the circle saying the first word that comes to mind.
Responses should be quick and without thinking or hesitation.
This game should be light, fun and maybe make you a little nervous.
Word-association chain
Stand in a cirle.
Each person takes turn saying a word and the next person along must say a related word.
Then the next person says a word related to that and so forth.
One word-story
Stand in a circle.
Participants take turns adding one word to try and collaboratively create a story that makes sense.
Cut to the chase
Stand in a circle.
Each person takes turn answering a question.
When everyone has answered the question move to the next person.
- What brought you here today?
- How would your friends describe you?
- What is the secret to becoming your friend?
- What is something you could talk about all day?
- What do you wish more people undestood about you?
Pair up with someone and introduce yourselves.
Ask a few basic questions and share a little about yourself too.
Every 2-minutes switch to someone new
Part 2: Grounding Exercises
Moving body-scan
Follow along with gentle movements starting with the head/neck and moving down the body to the feet.
Let the movements of different body parts help awaken your mind-body connection.
Circle of gratitude
Share something that you are grateful for...
- Giving
- Receiving
- Creating
- Having
- Feeling
- Doing
- Loving
- Being
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 sensory exercise
Awaken your senses by noticing...
- 5 things you can see
- 4 things you can touch
- 3 things you can hear
- 2 things you can smell
- 1 thing you can taste
Everyone stands in a circle and breathes together (box-breathing).
- Inhaling for a count of four
- Holding for a count of four
- Exhaling for a count of four
- Waiting for a count of four
Shaking it out
For a few minutes let your body release all of it's nervous tension through deep breathing (with a long sigh) and "shaking it out".